Botta: Memories of Montreal


    from: NYI Point Blank
    Chris Botta

    Memories of Montreal: On the centennial of the Canadiens, some personal snapshots of the legendary franchise and wonderful town…

    The feeling that every game there was the biggest sporting event in the world on that given night.

    The clouds of smoke on the concourse of the Forum.

    Taking my wife on the team trip about ten years ago. We arrive in Montreal and the team bus pulls up to the hotel, where more than 100 autograph-seekers await. Catherine asks, “Is there like a big rock band staying here or something”?

    The next morning, going for coffee with then-assistant coach (and former Hab) Rick Green. You would have thought we were with Celine Dion.

    Standing by the visiting team bench at the new arena and looking up at the fans in the last row – seemingly a mile away but having the time of their lives.

    Going out for dinner with Canadiens goalie Jeff Hackett after a game and being treated like I was rolling with Leo DiCaprio.

    Gibby’s in Olde Montreal. Good steak and seafood, better atmosphere. The pasta at DaVinci.

    The look on the face of Steve Thomas after Game 5 in 1993. The feeling that any one of four teams could have won the Stanley Cup that year, and now it wasn’t going to be the Islanders.

    The charming customs officers, who moved at an especially slow pace during the ‘93 playoffs.

    Being in a bar and Mariusz Czerkawski asking who I thought was the most attractive woman in the place. I make my pick, and a minute later I’m in the highly-awkward position of declining an invitation to dance with her. Oh, Mariusz. He owned that town.