Ask All Habs: Sean Visits Montreal


    Ask All Habs : Visiting Montreal

    One of our readers is visiting Montreal for a Canadiens game. He wants your help to ensure that he has a good time while in our city.

    Dear All Habs,

    I’m heading to Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto this week as part of my annual hockey road trip and will be in Montreal to see the Canadiens-Nashville and in Ottawa for the Senators-Montreal game. I wanted to know if you and/or any of your readers had any suggestions about things to do and see in Montreal and ideas for places to eat/drink. In addition, is there anything or any player specifically I should watch since I’m seeing the Canadiens twice on the trip? Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


    1. Hey Sean great pic of Ville Marie merci. Go to Le Keg for a meal in Old Montreal they got the basics. Canadian ownership! Drinks Bifteque(techno), Foufouns (hard rock), Tokyo(rap), Mcgibbins(celtic), list is infinate all good establishments! :) Kovy Price, Koivu, Max P. lookout kid can play.

    2. Sean,

      Here are some good restaurants for certain foods:

      Italian: Scarolli's on St.Jean boulevard (Pointe Claire)

      Smoke meat&Deli: Schwartz's (Mtl) or Smoke Meat Pete (Ile Perrot)

      Steak and Seafood: Le Keg or Gibby's (both in Old Montreal district)

      BBQ chicken: Chalet BBQ (Sherbrooke st.)

      Here's a good rating site for restaurant:

      Enjoy your stay!!!

    3. Thanks, All Habs, for posting my question and thanks for the great response Habster and Le Prime Minister of Habitants.

      Any chance you can make the temperature warmer when I’m there? :)

    4. Sean,

      Keep an eye on Pacioretty, the Kostitsyns and of course, Kovalev.

      D’Agostini is also a smooth skater with a great shot!!!

    5. Ooo I’ll be in Ottawa on Saturday too! Hope the game goes really well *G* Anyway…You seem to have some great advice there. I have nothing really to add other than be careful when you walk around outside. The sidewalks are still a mess. Oh and I second the bit about watching the Kostitsyn brothers *nods*

    6. Glad that you liked the photo PM of Habs..I like your username!

      Seems that you have some good suggestions Sean. Sorry we can’t do anything about the weather…its the global cooling thing, you know. YOu should pay attention to EP’s cautions. The snow clearing here is abysmal! And the coldest temps of the year are forecast to arrive during your visit.

      Be sure to check out Gretzky’s while you are in Toronto (the sports bar side). And if you want to meet up with Habs fans while in T.O., check out Kilgors. It’s a great place.

      Let’s hope that you will get a chance to see Carey Price in action if he is back from injury. Price is our franchise player!

    7. Where to eat? Schwartz’s and Le Keg are two solid choices and I’ll add La Campagnola in ville Lasalle. Less known but a great place to eat.

      Who to watch? Patrice Brisebois and Guillaume Latendresse. Okay, now that’s I’ve made Rocket mad, let’s be serious. Andrei Kostitsyn, if you blink you could miss his laser shot. Kovalev obviously because he could pull a magic trick anytime and Andrei Markov, probably still one of the most under-rated defensemen in the East, if not the league.

      Hope you enjoy your stay and thanks for reading ;-)

    8. Its actually a good suggestion to watch Latendresse. Well, not just him, but the entire 3rd line. They are exciting. Lats disappeared against Washington but has been much improved with the simplified play of his linemates Kostopoulos and Lapierre.

      As far as Brise, just watch when the puck comes near him, cause soon after, Nashville will get a scoring chance.

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