All Habs Top 10: Fans Pick Favorite 2011-’12 Moments


by Chantal,

MONTREAL, QC — It’s been a long, hard season for Habs fans. As most of you look forward to the upcoming months, the new GM and the draft, we thought it would be fun to highlight a few good moments of the 2011-2012 season.

So we asked you, the fans, to list your favorite memories of the year. Many didn’t make the list, such as Blake Geoffrion’s first NHL hat trick, Alexei Emelin’s great hits or his first NHL goal, the list could go on.

Here are your Top 10 moments:



Finishing the season low enough in the standings to get a good draft position.


Habs 5-0 win against the Toronto Maple Leafs on February 11th at the ACC. Oh, it was also “Sundin Night”.


The firing of Jacques Martin on December 17th, 2011.


Carey Price’s season. Despite his team’s struggles, he kept them in games on most nights.


Erik Cole high fiving the referee after his goal on March 14th, 2012.


The ovation from the fans on April 7th 2012, after the last game, displaying their passion for the team and saluting the players one last time.


Max Pacioretty hitting the 30-goal mark on March 8th, 2012, against the Edmonton Oilers. That goal was scored in an empty net, but it still capped off his comeback season!


The firing of Pierre Gauthier on March 29th, 2012.


Erik Cole scoring three goals in 5:41 minutes in the first period against the Ottawa Senators on March 23rd, 2012. The third goal was Cole’s 30th of the season.


Although a lot of you answered that the best part of this season was that it finally ended, the overwhelming majority chose the Ellervation night on January 4th, 2012, against the Winnipeg Jets. Lars Eller scored four goals, the fourth being scored with a spinerama on a penalty shot. He finished the night with five points. His three minute skate on the ice after being named first star of the game was by far your favorite moment.

Thank you to all who participated, I love interacting with you! Hopefully, next season, we can make a Top 30 favorite moments.