Home All Habs news Headlines All Habs Headlines: Training Camp, Subban, Gorges, Gallant, Bouillon, Lafleur, Richer

All Habs Headlines: Training Camp, Subban, Gorges, Gallant, Bouillon, Lafleur, Richer

All Habs Headlines: Training Camp, Subban, Gorges, Gallant, Bouillon, Lafleur, Richer
(Graham Hughes / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

All Habs Headlines: Saturday September 20, 2014

On this day in hockey history… 1991 – Montreal Canadiens traded Stephane Richer and Tom Chorske to New Jersey in exchange for Kirk Muller and goalie Roland Melanson.

Happy Birthday to former Canadiens Guy Lafleur (1951)!

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(Graham Hughes / THE CANADIAN PRESS)
(Graham Hughes / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

 Training camp schedule: Day 3 

  • On-ice training begins today at 10 a.m. and continues through September 22nd. The second scrimmage (open to the public) is scheduled for 11 a.m.

Saturday, September 20th
10:00 – 10:45: Practice (Team A)
11:00 – 11:50: Scrimmage – Open to public
12:15 – 12:50: Practice (Team B)

Coming up:

Sunday, September 21st
10:00 – 10:45: Practice (Team A)
11:00 – 11:50: Scrimmage – Open to public
12:15 – 12:50: Practice (Team B)

Monday, September 22nd
10:00 – 11:00: Practice (Teams A et B)
7:00: Intra-squad scrimmage (CENTRE BELL)

 First scrimmage

  • The first scrimmage of training camp on Friday ended in a 3-3 tie.
  • Squad A lines, defense pairings and goaltenders:

Bx5pzj4IIAACRIPMax Pacioretty – David Desharnais – P.A. Parenteau
Rene Bourque – Lars Eller – Jacob De La Rose
Brandon Prust – Manny Malhotra – Dale Weise
Charles Hudon- T.J. Hensick – Christian Thomas / Jeremy Gregoire

Andrei Markov – Tom Gilbert
Jarred Tinordi – Greg Pateryn
Francis Bouillon – Magnus Nygren

Carey Price
Joey MacDonald

  • Squad B lines, defense pairings and goaltenders:

Sven Andrighetto – Tomas Plekanec – Jiri Sekac
Travis Moen – Alex Galchenyuk – Brendan Gallagher
Gabriel Dumont – Michael Bournival – Nikita Scherbak
Drayson Bowman – Jake Dowell – Mike McCarron

Alexei Emelin – P.K. Subban
Nathan Beaulieu – Mike Weaver
Davis Drewiske – Darren Deitz

Peter Budaj
Dustin Tokarski

  • Goal scorers for Team B: Drayson Bowman, Tomas Plekanec, Gabriel Dumont. For Team A: Max Pacioretty, Francis Bouillon, Lars Eller .
  • Nikita Scherbak didn’t look out of place skating among the Habs regulars making a good first impression on the coach. Michel Therrien said, “I loved what I saw of him, he’s really explosive on the ice. He kept pace with NHL veterans. This is very good news.”
  • Greg Pateryn reminded everyone not to forget about him when talking about the battle among young defensemen, saying ““I don’t see myself as a longshot or an underdog. I think I’m 110-per cent-ready for the NHL. I don’t think I have anything more to learn in Hamilton.”
  • Show stopper: Highlight reel glove save by goaltender Joey MacDonald on Sven Andrighetto from point blank range.

 Frankie says non

  •  As we reported on September 14 in All Habs Headlines, Francis Bouillon was offered a two-way contract, but chose to come to training camp on a professional tryout deal instead.
  • Radio-Canada’s Diane Sauve confirmed the news when speaking with Bouillon who said “le Canadiens m’a offert un contrat à two volets. J’ai refusé. Pas question de finir ma carrière à Hamilton” translated as “The Canadiens offered me a two-way contract. I refused. There’s no way I will finish my career in Hamilton.”
  • Readers will recall that Bouillon agreed to return to the Canadiens on July 2012 with the promise that he would not be the club’s seventh defenseman.  Once again, Bouillon’s demands far outstrip his talent but this is the luxury of being one of the coach’s favorites.

► New boss in Sunrise

  • The biggest question in Montreal early this season will be about leadership with veterans Brian Gionta, Josh Gorges, George Parros departing the club. Another key component of team unity last season was assistant coach Gerard Gallant who took to the ice Friday with his new team, the Florida Panthers.
  • Gallant to RDS, “The objective is to win games by working hard, but you have to be yourself in there, and my style is to enjoy the game. I want guys combine it with their work ethic. I am someone who is easy to get along with.”
  • Goaltender Roberto Luongo on his new coach, “I don’t know much, but I’ve heard tons of good things about him from those who worked with him or who he coached. Everyone had nothing but positive. His teaching skills are a very important addition to our club, especially with all the young players we have.”

► Gorges: “Did I piss somebody off?”

  • Trades are tough for any player but particularly for a defenseman like Josh Gorges who was a heart and soul Canadien. The news came as a shock. As Gorges told Sportsnet, “I was in Montreal for most of my career and in a day, in a minute, it changes. … You’re searching for answers at the time and you’re going: ‘Why did this happen? Did I do something wrong? Did I piss somebody off?”
  • Gorges will now have to start again to help turn around the Sabres fortunes, saying “My job is to be who I am. It’s not to try and reinvent myself, to be somebody that somebody else wants me to be. I think the reason that I’ve been able to have any sort of success up to now is because I stayed true to who I am. I want to help get this team into that right mindset of what it takes to win and what it takes to win consistently.”
  • Read the full story here: Gorges has new sights following breakup with Habs

► P.K. shares the love

  • Following Friday’s scrimmage P.K. Subban spoke about playing with his defensive partner Alexei Emelin and about the three young defensemen fighting for a position: Jarred Tinordi, Nathan Beaulieu and Greg Pateryn.



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