All Habs Digest: Are You Ready for Hockey?


by Rick Stephens,

We are days away from the Canadiens regular season opener on October 7, a date that we thought would never get here, yet now, are we ready? The Habs played their final pre-season game on Saturday night beating the Islanders 7-2.

For the next few days, the team is in Malbaie, Quebec for a few days of bonding and practise. If we had a say, we’d vote for special teams reps.

Who will be the final cuts from training camp?  Read You Make the Call and a response from the staff of All Habs.

Fans too are getting prepared. Where’s my Plekanec jersey? Can RDS be added to our cable package? Where should we go to watch the season opener?

Well, maybe we can help with that last question. The best venue to see Canadiens’ hockey is at the Bell Centre. But what if you don’t have tickets? The next best place is with other Habs supporters.

On Thursday October 7, if you are a Canadiens fan in Toronto, Vancouver or New York, we have reserved space in a local sports bar just for you and your friends to watch the season opener together. Residents of Montreal get their chance on Saturday October 9 for the Penguins vs. Canadiens game at Ye Olde Orchard.

Visit our partner site for the details and to RSVP today.


I have been fortunate to meet fascinating Canadiens fans, some of those at Habs Tweetups. Julie Veilleux is a person who I asked to work with me to plan fan events for the 2009 NHL Amateur Draft. Julie, along with All Habs contributor, Lyse are subject in the pages of a popular fashion magazine.

I’m very proud that my two good friends are featured female hockey bloggers in the latest edition of Elle Quebec.  Lyse chronicles her experience here.  It is the same issue with the cover photo of Andrei Markov, Max Lapierre, Mike Cammalleri, Hal Gill and Brian Gionta.


One of our regular readers has scheduled her travel plans with the start of the season in mind. Yes, Habs fans have their priorities in order. Kristina is on her way back to Montreal from Lebanon and gives us a glimpse into the challenge of getting hockey information from eastern shore of the Mediterranean in her excellent article titled, “Tales of a Travelling Habs Fan“.


We are humbled by the support of our loyal readers who visit the website everyday to read the articles, contribute their opinions by leaving comments, and interact with us on Twitter and Facebook. On occasion, they reach out and offer to do a little more.

A big thank you to Patricia who used the Contact Us form to offer a donation of All Habs t-shirts. They will be part of the prize pool for Habs Tweetups.


It’s October which means the start of hockey, Thanksgiving and a birthday for Tomas Plekanec (Oct. 31). It also is a good time to look back at our website statistics. It’s safe to say that you are in love with our new home at All A September 2009 to September 2010 comparison reveals a whopping 291% increase in unique visitors.

Thank you from the team at All Habs!

(photo by Getty)