About Me: A Habs Fan, Coffey & Paper Boats


by Bailey, AllHabs.net

You know what is funny?

As a writer – you write about a lot of things: your day, the day of your dog. The weather. Sports. The impending apocalypse…but for me, one of the hardest things to do as a writer, is write a little blurb about me. I could hardly do it for my twitter feed. I made some silly remark about being able to make paper boats, for goodness’ sake.

It’s true though. About the paper boats: I can make them.

I was approached by Rick not too long ago and asked to become a contributor to All Habs, and for me, this was a huge honour and responsibility. I have come to make friends with many of the wonderful people who are here, and have really enjoyed reading the columns and input from all of them. It’s a different perspective here, and something you don’t see every day when it comes to hockey related blogs or sites. I didn’t admit this to Rick when I talked to him, but I definitely squee’d when he had asked me to join this family. And hopefully he doesn’t rethink his decision to have me join after finding this out!

So, where to start with me? I guess the beginning is as good as anything. My mother’s side of the family is Montreal-born and raised. My upbringing was a little different — hope that you can try to keep up!

I was born in New Brunswick in 1984 , and raised in between Montreal and Toronto. We settled in Toronto (my mother, my grandmother, uncle and myself) and spent a lot of time going to Montreal to visit family. From a very young age, mostly from having an uncle in the house who lived, breathed, and pretty much ate hockey, I was exposed to it. He and his friends often spent time at the apartment watching games and I would wedge myself in there, to be part of this club — this hockey club that everyone in my family seemed so keen on. When I was a little older, I could remember teams and names and knew a little bit about the rules, and who my favorite players were. My uncle used to ask me, in front of his friends, who that one favorite player was:

“Kidder – who is your favorite hockey player?”

“Paul Coffey.”

His friends would howl and he would look absolutely horrified. It was simply the type of kid I was- I was a Habs fan, there was no doubt about that: but I really did enjoy being a little bit of a sass. And at the time? Paul Coffey really was my favorite player. At least he could say that I had decent taste in hockey players.

Growing up in Toronto, of course you’re exposed to the Leafs. And for some reason, I just never got into them. I have lived here, for most of my life, and yet – nothing. And that isn’t a knock on the Leafs – my dad is a Leafs fan. I think it IS because my household was predominantly Habs, that I never really gave them a second look. Yes, it did earn me a few looks and taunts as I grew up – but that is all part and parcel of being a fan of the game, especially being a fan of the Habs, living in Toronto.

I was around when the Habs won the cup in 1993. That’s one of my fondest (and most hilarious) memories. My mother is a HUGE Habs fan. Like- superstitious Habs fan type. My father, is the Leafs fan. During the finals, he was doing laundry while the Los Angeles – Montreal game was on.  He teased my mother saying that the Habs were going to lose to LA, which was making her increasingly more annoyed by each moment. When he’d gone down to get the laundry, she locked him out of the apartment. Yep, you heard me right: locked him right out. He spent a good while standing outside the apartment door, apologizing and promising that he’d not utter another WORD about the game, and only then, did she let him back in. Habs won that night, and my mother woke me up to tell me. I was nine.

Now, before people start on the ‘you’re not one of THOSE fans, are you?’ No. No I’m not. I know how long it’s been since the Habs have won the Stanley Cup. I know how many Cups we’ve won. I know how many times we’ve not made the playoffs since ’93. And I am pretty sure anyone on here can tell you the exact same things. Stats are stats. They’re numbers.

We’re writers, and we write. That’s how I look at it, anyway. I’m not here to push stats on people, or rub it in peoples faces – I am here to write, to engage and entertain (if I can), and to share my own perspective on the Habs, and what it is like to be a Habs fan. Maybe some of you will relate to me, maybe you’ll share with me. That is the beauty of writing – the interaction and the way it brings so many people together. We may be complete strangers now, but we wont be forever!

My life is surrounded by hockey, pretty much on every side. My younger brother currently plays in the GTHL (where he sports the #21), for the Toronto Penguins. My grandmother is a 68-year-veteran of the Montreal Canadiens fan club. My mother is still a superstitious, dedicated, rabid fan (and I say that with all the love in my heart!!). Both of them really should have their own radio/tv show. If there are two women out there that could make Don Cherry cry, it would be these two. And my father. My poor dad. Diligently  takes the lickings and teasing about being a Leafs fan (good natured, of course) – but who secretly wanted the Habs to beat Boston in round one.

The Habs have been, and always will be, my team. I can get frustrated and annoyed with them at times, question moves or rosters or management – but the foundation will always stay the same: as long as they’re the Montreal Canadiens, I will be a fan. I know that all of us as fans of the Habs will have varying and sometimes opposing opinions, but that is the beauty of who and what we are.

I started out at Trent University, majoring in English. I then switched over to journalism and writing here in Toronto, at Ryerson University. If I can combine two of the things that I adore the most: hockey and writing – then I can say that I live a happy life. While right now I am doing this mostly for fun – I do take it seriously. It’s not a job, yet, but this is something I would like to do, full time.

Outside of hockey – I am pretty much a big dork. I love music (who DOESN’T love music?) – but what I really love – is live music. I try and go to see a few concerts in the summer at the Amphitheatre – because there is nothing like being out on a warm summer night and listening to some of your favourite bands. I enjoy reading – I am an avid reader, and not on one of those Kindles or Spindles or whatever they’re called. I actually like holding books in my hands and flipping the pages – call me old-school, if you want! I love British TV. I am hooked on shows like Fawlty Towers, Are You Being Served, Being Human – and yes, I am going to admit this to everyone, Coronation Street. I like zombies, but I hate horror movies.  My favorite time of the year is Fall. Sometimes I’d like to think that I can draw, but I don’t know if stick figures count….

I like other sports, too. I never actually played hockey as a kid – but I did do Judo for almost 15 years. I love soccer. I enjoy watching tennis live (I say live, because really, watching tennis on TV is almost like watching paint dry). I love the summer and winter Olympics. I don’t do the NFL, but I will watch the CFL.  I am a HARDCORE Jays fan. I enjoy lacrosse, rugby, Aussie-rules football…I will watch any sport once.

I like to cook, and bake. I did it a lot as a kid, not so much now that I’m older – but when I can do it, I do. I enjoy getting together with friends- I’m a sucker for a cottage weekend where the only thing I have to worry about is what SPF I should be wearing.

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