A Win…but at what Cost?



    As I recall, last season, certain teams in the league took liberties with our star players, and it was left to a great-team-player-but-relative-lightweight Tom Kostopoulos to step in and stand up for his teammates.

    This year was going to be different crowed some, including the myopic Yvon Pedneaut: “No one around the team was happy with an injured Komisarek being roughed up by the Bruins in the playoffs. That plays a part in why Georges is here now.” He repeated the same odd statement on the HNIC broadcast tonight. Seems that over the long summer, Pedneault forgot that Laraque was a non-factor for the playoff version of the Penguins last spring finding himself watching the action from the press box.

    So tonight it was a good first period by the Canadiens and a 2-0 lead. Early in the second, the Coyotes Kurt Sauer delivered a solid double forearm smash to the head of Andrei Kostitsyn. Kostitsyn crashed awkwardly into the glass and then the ice. He lay motionless for a time and then waived off the stretcher and struggled with assistance to get to the dressing room. (No word on his injuries which could include a concussion, and a broken cheekbone or orbital fracture.)

    My first reaction was to look to the referees for an appropriate response. After all, Gary Bettman promised us that head shots would be handled severely by the league. Yet the guys in stripes couldn’t find any foul on the play.

    So surely Pedneault would weigh-in on this, given his comments about the Canadiens being roughed up last year. Bizarrely, Yvon thought it was a clean hit. In fact, he repeated this line several times, even going further to say that Andrei put himself in a vulnerable position. I wager that Pedneault’s story would have been different if one of his little darlings (like Lapierre) was on the receiving end of a headshot. But hey, its just a guy with a funny name from that unpronounceable city in Belarus. So who cares, right Yvon?

    So, should I assume that some media types and fans were correct? Perhaps the Canadiens do need an enforcer to take care of matters in situations like this. Was it time for #17? Yet on the next shift, it was Sergei Kostitsyn who, through a light bump behind the net, delivered a message to the Coyotes for his brother. For this, the referees assessed a minor for roughing (a truly ridiculous call).

    As the minutes in the second period passed, Kurt Sauer remained untouched, with Georges Laraque attempting his best impression of a hockey player. Georges would explain later that he didn’t feel that Sauer (6’4″, 220lbs.) was in his weight class. I see. So it seems that the Canadiens enforcer will protect his star teammates only if they are harassed by that narrow group of opposition players who Laraque deems meet his criteria. Is that the best use of a valuable roster spot?

    It was left to that great teammate, Tom Kostopoulos, to stand up for the fallen ‘comrade’. (Haven’t we seen this movie before?) You see, Tom doesn’t abide by those silly rules of weight class. He was clearly outsized and outmatched by Sauer. But he delivered for Andrei K. and the rest of his teammates when Laraque chose not to step up. (In the interest of full disclosure, Georges did give Sauer an unfriendly face wash in a scrum. Is that why the Habs pay him $1.5M?)

    Later, Laraque was flattened by Shane Doan (how did that happen?) With seconds remaining in the second period, only then did Georges drop the gloves and take out his frustrations on Todd Fedoruk.

    So what has changed from last year?

    With respect to the hockey game, it was the Captain’s night. Saku Koivu had a goal and two assists (via brilliant passes), won an incredible 86% of his faceoffs, and showed leadership in helping Sergei K. to refocus after the injury to his brother. Oh, and one more point, Koivu did all this in 12:44 of icetime…only 1 minute more than the Habs enforcer-in-name-only Laraque.

    Alex Tanguay also had a strong game with 2 goals. He seems to be getting more comfortable with Koivu. One wonders how good this line could be with a player on the LW with some touch and finish. Latendresse did get an assist but was completely incidental on the goals by his linemates.

    Glad that Carbo woke up in the third period and finally inserted SK-74 on the Plekanec line to replace AK-46. Who better than Sergei to fit into the playing style of the #1 line?

    Carey Price had another solid game. A first period save on Doan would have been described by Danny as “enormous!” Later Price would rob Steve Reinprecht. Brise owes Carey a few more dinners after being bailed out again tonight on several occasions.

    The Coyote who caught my attention was Mikkel Boedker. This former teammate of Yannick Weber displayed great speed and the ability to create open ice for himself.

    We’ll now anxiously await the medical news on Andrei Kostitsyn.


    HNIC sends Cole, Millen and Pedneault. yikes! not even worthy of a ‘B’ team label!

    Higgins, Bouillon not yet cleared to play. Begin sits again.

    Rocket’s 3 stars:

    1. Saku Koivu
    2. Alex Tanguay
    3. Andrei Markov

    (photo credit: AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Graham Hughes)


    1. Maybe Laraque didn’t think it was a particularly dirty hit, either. As fat and stupid as he looks, he probably still has his own code of enforcement. If that hit was dished out by Komisarek or O’Byrne, the entire crowd would be on their feet roaring their approval.

      Kostitsyn gets an early start on Halloween by the look of the photo below.

    2. I mentioned this awhile back, when Andrei Kostitsyn had yet to sign his new contract, but sooner or later the two brothers are going to end up competing for the same playing time. Sergei is probably already the better player of the two, so it will make for a very awkward situation. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Andrei traded, the potential problems must be evident to Carbo and Gainey.

    3. Typical eloquence from a thug-loving fan..or perhaps Ben is a Kurt Sauer supporter.

      Really appreciate your comments Rob, but I’m just not getting your humour today. Guess I’m still a little grumpy the day after the team’s top LW took a nasty shot to the head.

      As far as a debate about which Kostitsyn is better, I would suggest that now is not the time. But I suspect that both are highly valued by the organization. I think that is evident by the 3 year contract given to Andrei on July 1st.

      I don’t see why both Kostitsyns can’t have lengthy careers with the Canadiens. It’s obvious that the K brothers are both happy (and more productive) to be playing for the same team. I can even forsee a future KPK line where both K’s are Kostitsyns.

    4. Rocket I think you were talking about Benoit Brunet, since he replaced Yvon Pedneault on the RDS TV broadcasts.
      Actually, I think that B Brunet has been crappy so far, and miss Yvon Pedneault alot.

    5. Hey Anon, I completely agree with your comment about Brunet. Pedneault was far superior on RDS but unfortunately he didn’t add anything to the HNIC broadcast last night. In any language, Yvon’s analysis of the Andrei K headshot, his subsequent injury, and any retribution was idiotic.

    6. Sorry, Rocket, I didn’t watch the HNIC broadcast. I prefer watching Houde, and I love the addition of Joel Bouchard to the show. He is dynamic, animated, creative and knowledegable. Plus he has an opinion and is not afraid to express it without first seeking the approval of others (à la Jacques Demers).

      As for Don CBC, his orange jacket was ..almost as ugly as the bump above AK47’s left eye.

    7. You can bitch and moan about how Yvon loves his french-canadien players but you sure as hell ain’t better blinding yourself. Latendresse had a hell of a season up to now and he was incidental on Koivu’s goal. He’s the one who agressively forechecked the defense who caughed up the puck into Markov’s hands. And stop it with breezer. Komisarek did the biggest gift of the night so why don’t you be a little bit more fair?

      However, Laraque’s comments were truly dumb. If he doesn’t want to fight against anybody, I saw we get him out of the lineup and get Begin back.

    8. Did you say orange Anon? Cherry’s jacket was bright pink on my set. Maybe its time for me to call a technician. I was switching back and forth during the game. One thing for sure, HD resolution is much better on RDS for some reason.

    9. Actually, my analysis is quite fair J-F. Contrary to most, my comments are based on hockey skill and performance rather than ethnic origin. If you are a regular reader you will have noticed my positive comments regarding the play of Tanguay, Dandenault and yes even Latendresse when he played well against Toronto.

      Is Lats playing better this year? Yes. Is his play 2nd line worthy? No. Is Lats a better player than Higgins? Not a chance.

      Latendresse is playing with two premiere setup guys. With all the icetime and even powerplay time, Lats has 1 goal. He is supposed to be the finisher on that line. He isn’t getting the job done. He would be a better fit on the 3rd line where less is expected of him and he could be allowed to further develop his game, and his skating.

      As far as you comparing Brisebois’ play to Komisarek, I won’t waste my time filling a page. I’ll just assume that you weren’t being serious.

    10. Hey guys,

      Nice to see tons of comments……you hit a nerve, Rocket!!!

      I have to agree with Rocket that Laraque should have dropped the gloves with Sauer regardless if he thinks Sauer isn’t in his weight class. When the game was 4-0 or even 4-1 with only 5-7 minutes left, Carbo should have told Big Georges to drop the gloves against Sauer even if he received an instigator penalty…….Sauer wasn’t held accountable even after he got the better of the lion hearted Kostopoulos!!

      As far as Latendresse is concerned, he isn’t as good or skilled as Higgins and would be a better fit on the third line with Sergei Kostitsyn and Lang who are very talented playmakers in their on right. With that said, I have to admit that I’m more impressed with Guillaume’s play so far though he isn’t terribly quicker, if at all!!

      I have to admit that Yvon Pedneault was better than Benoit Brunet on the RDS broadcast. For a former NHL player, Brunet doesn’t give us as many good analytical comments as Pedneault did on last year’s broadcast. I would love to see Joel Bouchard do the color analyse on RDS…..he is a great teacher of the game and understands the game really well as indicated by his hockey academy show plus his intelligent comments between periods.

      I can’t wait to see Higgy and Bouillon back in the lineup. Francis was playing great hockey with Gorges last season (especially in the playoffs).

      Unlike the timid Brisebois, Bouillon will hit everything that moves and isn’t afraid to drop the gloves in defend of his teammates (unlike Briser who sadly bumped Kyle McLaren after he viciously hit Zednik in the playoffs!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoIlaK5j238)

      Sorry for the world’s longest comment!!!

    11. Dear Rocket

      I don t think the problem concerns quebec or not quebec player, just the fact that, as I mention already last year, it seems that you have some guys you focus on and will never change your mind.

      I m not saying brisebois was good, but it seems that if he makes 1 mistake in the game, you will speak about it.
      Same for latendresse, saying he did nothing…well you get my point !

      of course it s your opinion, and that s fine, but it really sounds as brain washing…

      Habster why you dont post anymore post-game analyses ?


    12. hello again Dams,
      I can assure you that I have not been brainwashed by Habster, the Montreal Canadiens, nor anyone else. I simply remain a passionate hockey enthusiast and a loyal Canadiens fan.
      If you review my articles again, you will notice that I often commend or crititize the same player depending on their performance. That also extends to Guy Carbonneau who I have defended and panned.
      Unfortunately I haven’t been able to give any bouquets to Brisebois. I honestly believe that he is one of the worst defenseman in th league who is playing a regular shift. It pains me that my beloved Canadiens cannot ice a better #6 D.
      As I recall, you are a relativel newcomer to hockey and your enjoy cheering for the francophone players. That’s wonderful! Habster and I welcome all fans here.
      But as you say, you come expecting opinion and that’s what you will get at AllHabs including access to excellent information. If you want bland game summaries, there is always NHL.com.
      I can only promise to be honest and objective without the usual ethnic-based biases. With all due modesty, you can be assured that I do have a fair bit of hockey experience and knowledge that informs my opinions. I may also be blunt but if that provokes healthy hockey issues debate, then so be it!

    13. Hey Habster..you know that I love a good hockey debate but I am actually quite surprised about all the comments.

      The main thrust of the article was my contention that Sauer’s hit on AK-46 was a headshot. I’m shocked that is controversial at all. I was also disappointed in Yvon Pedneault’s reaction saying it was a legal hit. I might expect it from Cole or Millen but not Pedneault. I am suprised that more Habs fans arent disappointed in his comments. And lastly Laraque’s non-reaction to Sauer was baffling but his after-game excuse was infuriating. Again I’m surprised that this is controversial at all.

    14. Hey DamSandra,

      Glad to see you back reading All Habs and posting a comment.

      As you’re probably aware, All Habs is always looking for writers who give their varying opinions about the Canadiens and hockey in general.

      With that said, I have to admit there are things Rocket writes about which I don’t agree with and vice versa. Needless to say, the world would be a boring place if we all had the same views or opinions about life or hockey.

      How does that expression go: “I agree to disagree” which is why people like yourself leave good comments voicing their opinions.

      Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to write many post game articles lately due to job and family commitments……I’ll be posting more in the near future though so please keep checking the site.

      If you have any further suggestions for the blog, please let us know by email us at allhabs@gmail.com

      Take care and we’ll talk soon

    15. Hi all,

      Again, I m hundred 100% for different opinions :)
      (and by the way I dont like the way brisebois is playing and I do not appreciate peldneaut comments) !!

      I m french, but not quebecois, so I have no preference, I m not involved in this debate.
      I agree with you about the hit and the reaction.

      So,my comments are more about the way you express your opinions. It s a little BLACK or WHITE, or too strong, i dont know how to express it, as you noticed, my english is not so good.
      I Think your good comments would be more valuable with a little bit of moderation.
      But again it’s my point of view.
      It s probably why people reacted to your analysis.
      I did not say you have been brain washed but more that it sounds as if you try to do it to us (” latendresse is doing nothing”, etc) :)…

      ok enough for this, congratulations to you guys for your great work about the habs

      enjoy the season !


    16. Thanks for your comment, your readership and your compliments Dams. Habster puts in a lot of effort to gather information (some that you won’t easily find elsewhere) in a one-stop shopping blog for the Canadiens. Believe it or not, I spend a fair bit of time editing my articles so that I can honestly defend my opinions and analysis. We always welcome another point of view on hockey matters especially when the writer can back up his assertion.
      We do try hard to stay away from ethnicity biases and I admit being a little frustrated when hockey issues get side-swiped by language and culture debates. (there are better forums for that than AllHabs)

      With respect to this article, as I mentioned already, I was more than a little grumpy that the Canadiens star leftwinger received a brutal shot to the head. I was upset that the NHL did nothing to enforce their rhetoric about headshots. I was disappointed that Pedneault claimed it was a clean hit. And I was puzzled when Laraque didnt engage Sauer and I was infuritated at Georges’ after-game excuses. That is the context of how I authored what you call a black and white article.

    Comments are closed.