Five Hole For Food Hits Montreal

MONTREAL, QC — I use the term “Montreal” loosely.
I’ll keep it brief and then put you all on the spot. Canucks blogger Richard Loat (that’s Mozy19 to those of you on twitter) is crossing Canada and stopping in 9 cities for a game of ball hockey. And no, it’s not a pointless game of hockey. It’s essentially a majorly long food drive for various food banks across this gigantic country of ours.
For this first stop of the charity, the NDG Food Bank will be the beneficiary of your generosity.

The NDG Food Depot strives to eliminate hunger by working with our community in a manner that ensures dignity, community engagement and the development of human potential. We have been serving NDG and the surrounding Montreal boroughs since 1986 and have been an independent charitable organization since 2003. We see food as a powerful vehicle that can bring people together to forge innovative solutions to societal inequalities.


Please visit Five Hole for Food’s website and specifically this link to learn more about the event coming to la belle province next Tuesday, June 29th at 7:00 p.m.
The long and short of it is we want you to bring your sneakers and your hockey stick to the wonderful town of Notre Dame de l’Ile Perrot and play a game of ball hockey with us. Anyone of any skill level and gender is welcome to play; the more the merrier! (If you happen to be a goaltender, we could really use your services!) Even if you don’t want to play and would prefer to spectate and cheer point and laugh, that’s also more than fine. It would be a change for a rag-tag bunch of ball hockey players to hear it from the crowd!
What it all boils down to is a big fat tweetup for charity. It also happens to be a couple days before NHL free agency, so there will be plenty of Habs excitement to keep the chatter going.
Don’t worry, we know it’s a work night for most of you, so we’ll be done fairly early and we will send you home with a mostly full belly. Boston Pizza has jumped on board to sponsor the event nationally and will be hooking us up with some pizza to fix our hockey-forged appetites! Sorry, no booze on site. Those of you who definitely need a night cap can stop in at my place for a beer or six, or whatever after the game.
Now here’s where it gets interesting.
Since this is a food drive, we need you all to step up to the plate and bring as much non-perishable food as you can possibly bring. This isn’t your typical drop-a-can-off-at-Tim-Horton’s-at-Christmas food drive. No…we’re giving away a pretty sweet prize to the person who donates the most food, by weight.
So what’s the prize? Check this out. Not too shabby for some food, eh? Now, don’t try to get clever and bring 50 cans of the heaviest thing you can find. Mix it up a little…even the less fortunate get tired of just beans!
I can tell you one thing: I’m putting my best foot forward here. The stick is already in my house, and I would like it to stay here. Think of it this way: How much would you pay for a hockey stick signed by your Eastern Conference Finalist Montreal Canadiens? Now you get the picture!
So that’s it folks. Please try to keep your calendars open next Tuesday night for a trek to Ile Perrot. I promise it’s not as far as it sounds. Besides, our city’s reputation is at stake here. We want to pile up more food for the less fortunate than those stinky Leafs and Sens fans, don’t we? Montreal is the first stop, so we have to set the bar here! Please help get Richard’s amazing initiative off to a good start!
If you have any questions for me, you can find me on twitter, or email me at kyleroussel at
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to play hockey with us, please be sure to let me know!
IMPORTANT NOTE #2: Listen to metricjulie interview about Five Hole For Food with Richard on Montreal’s Team990.


  1. Hope it doesn't rain! But I'll be doing everything I can to drag myself and my goalie gear way out there! :) Prepare to score at will.

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