Pas de Hockey


by Rick Stephens,

MONTREAL, QC — After the Habs were eliminated from the playoffs on Monday night, there was a feeling of emptiness.

Given that it had taken 17 years to get as far as the Eastern Conference finals, being ousted in 5 games left a bitter feeling.  We were grumpy, with a touch of inner pride.

Seems that we weren’t the only ones feeling that way.  Today, when asked to comment on the success of the Habs this season, Hal Gill said, “It doesn’t really matter if you don’t win.”

Players have cleared out their lockers and there’s little reason to head to Brossard.  There’s a realization that Habs hockey is done for the season.  Now, I pleased to announce that depression has set in. Is that progress?

Tomorrow we will begin the review of the season just past and a look ahead.

How are you feeling?


  1. It was a great season. Far exceeded expectations. If PG can make some moves to get rid of the junk (Bergeron, Pouliot, Sergei) ad bring in a big defenseman and a big center, next year will be insane!

  2. I'm doing better than I had thought I would. Sure, there's still that empty feeling, and the belief that it could have gone further if a few simple things had taken place.

    It just wasn't meant to be, and the frustrating part is that we don't know when it will be "meant to be".

    I also imagine the nice weather is providing a nice distraction from our recent loss.

  3. I am happy. Disappointed about the loss to Philthy. But it was a great ride. I am worried about next year, but Halak is amazing and will allow the team to really play some offense.

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