Guest Article: Habs Love from Southeast Asia


posted by shutterpaws
Guest article to All Habs

People have been asking me lately why I love the Habs. And while I think my answer of “Why the hell not?” is perfectly acceptable, maybe I should answer it more articulately now. Possibly. If I could think of the words that is.

Now, the Philippines is not a big hockey country. I don’t know of any other fans here though I’m sure there are maybe three or four more somewhere. All probably rooting for any other team than my Habs. Hell, only two or three ice rinks in the country don’t give us much opportunity eh.

Anyway. So it started one day 13 years ago. I was hanging out with some friends at my brothers’ school, playing around with my hockey stick. Just really hitting the ball around as I had no clue about what to actually do with it on grass as previous experience was limited to watching the Mighty Ducks LOL. (Stick was a gift from dad.)

I was minding my own business, just hitting the ball around when this random extremely tall freak comes up and tells me: “You’re too short to be playing with that, kid”. Exact words.

Now, I have a temper. I admit it. And I suppose I was feeling really pissy that day… or I was just being a normal teenager. I took a whack at him with the damn stick LOL.

That’s how I met my De Luna brothers. That was Christopher Glenn. And he has two other brothers, Joshua Ripley and Jason Robert. Little did I know that these three would really end up being “brothers from another mother”. That one little thing started the puck drop, so to speak.

For anyone doing the math, you’d realize I became a fan AFTER ’93. So… why the Habs then? Now these three are total Habs fans. Born and bred. I suppose that’s a big part of it. But…Over the next few months, those brothers taught me to love the sport. And anything I love, I learn.

What did I learn? Oh so much. Not just the game and rules. Not just names like Lafleur, Richard, Beliveau, and Koivu. Not just great games. Those also but more importantly, heart, will and determination. And incredible dedication.

Now fast forward to the present. I hadn’t been overtly following hockey lately. I was still keeping up, but not really too obviously as like I said, not many people to share it with.

Then came Facebook and Twitter and lo and behold, the Habs knock off THE NUMBER ONE and TWO teams in the damn league. Boy did that get my blood going again. (I suppose everyone on my Facebook knows that now unfortunately for them LOL.) So now I’ve been proudly sharing my nuttiness with everyone in my world. LOUD AND PROUD.

Yes I am a hockey chick. Proud of it. And no matter what happens this year, or any other, I BELIEVE. Feels like ’93? I wouldn’t really know though I LOVE the song. To me, it just feels AWESOME. That is all.

Oh and… GO HABS GO!


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