Journal de Montreal: «J’ai ruminé cette défaite tout l’été» -Chris Higgins


    Habster’s take:
    The decision to give Christopher Higgins the “A” on his sweater was a no-brainer. The guy oozes leadership both on and off the ice. Higgins comments are sincere and intelligent with honesty which he isn’t afraid to use to call out his teammates when they’re not playing to their full potential. He also completely understands the concept of team and would do anything for the “CH”. Higgins want to win so badly and bring a Stanley Cup to Montreal that it hurt!!!
    I can remember seeing Chris Higgins give post game interviews after the Canadiens were eliminated by Toronto and actually felt his emotional anguish with every word he spoke. His emotional state was real and palpable to every Habs fan who were in the same state of mind. He wore his emotions on his shelves which I wished more players would do (note to Markov and Kovalev!!).Chris Higgins has captain written all over him simply because he hates to lose, works hard and take it personal.
    When Saku Koivu does retire or leave the Canadiens family, you can rest easy with the thought that players like Higgins, Komisarek and Chipchura will be here to carry the leadership torch for years to come.