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    In last Sunday’s match-up with the Boston Bruins, the Canadiens wore sweaters dating from the 1912-13 team. They are affectionately known as the barber pole jerseys. CAC on the crest refers to Club Athletique Canadien.

    All Habs has been receiving numerous emails from hockey fans inquiring where they can buy a barber pole jersey. For our readers outside of Montreal, here are two sources:


    River City Sports

    (Links are provided for information only. All Habs does not endorse any product or service.)

    If you already have a jersey, send your photo proudly wearing it to:


    1. i saw game pictures of those and was hoping that there weren’t any unsuspecting epileptic people sitting in the stands.

    2. lol Thanks…love all the comments about the sweaters.

      Here’s another one I like: “Barber pole jerseys are so ugly, they’re awesome!”

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