Canadiens top-ranked Canadian team for brand loyalty, Maple Leafs ranked 91st


I think the below excerpt from the TSN article says everything we pretty much already knew:

The Montreal Canadiens were the top-ranked Canadian team, coming in 12th.

They were followed by the Edmonton Oilers (24th), Calgary Flames (29th), Ottawa Senators (31st), Vancouver Canucks (49th), Toronto Blue Jays (66th), Toronto Raptors (80th) and, surprisingly, the Toronto Maple Leafs (91st).

Nikolay Panchev, Turnkey’s research director, says the Maple Leafs’ low ranking was a result of poor scoring in fan perceptions of ownership, the team’s commitment to winning and how well managed the club is.

He also said that in a measure of 36 brand attributes associated with the team, profit maximization was the one most commonly chosen for the Maple Leafs.

Fans chose profit maximization as the survey’s second-most negative brand attribute, behind only arrogance.

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Rick is the Editor-in-Chief, lead contributor, and owner of the All Habs network of websites. His mission is to build a community of Canadiens fans who are informed, engaged and connected. He is the vision behind all four sites within the network - All Habs, Habs Tweetup, We Are Canadiens, and The Montreal Forum - and is responsible for the design and layout of each. In concert with the strong belief that "Habs fans are everywhere!", Rick is pleased that people use All Habs as a conduit to find and connect with other Habs fans worldwide. He is also proud that Habs Tweetups have allowed fans to meet in person and develop long lasting friendships.