Old dog has tricks to teach


An excerpt from the Hamilton Spectator article about the Marc “Old dog” Denis:

Denis is also very motivated to get back to the NHL, if not with Montreal this year then perhaps somewhere else down the road and playing a lot of games and playing well can only help.

“I’d be lying if I said my main goal was to be in Hamilton,” said Denis. “That being said I’ve come in here with the right attitude. I understand this is part of the process and hopefully Hamilton is another step for me on my way back to the NHL.

“I know the AHL may not be the best suited league for a 31-year-old guy trying to make it back to the NHL. This is a prospects league. I played in this league 10 years ago. At the same time I feel very comfortable in this situation, keeping the big picture in the back of my mind and looking ahead.”

And looking ahead, says Denis, is helping his Bulldogs teammates any way he can.

That will, no doubt, include being a bit of a mentor to Desjardins.

“I think this is a big opportunity for Marc, looking at the depth in the Montreal organization, he’s their number three goaltender,” says Hamilton coach Don Lever.

“With Cedrick making big strides I think this is the perfect mix for us with a veteran guy who’s been in the NHL and is ready to be called upon in Montreal who can also work with Cedrick to help him mature.”

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Rick is the Editor-in-Chief, lead contributor, and owner of the All Habs network of websites. His mission is to build a community of Canadiens fans who are informed, engaged and connected. He is the vision behind all four sites within the network - All Habs, Habs Tweetup, We Are Canadiens, and The Montreal Forum - and is responsible for the design and layout of each. In concert with the strong belief that "Habs fans are everywhere!", Rick is pleased that people use All Habs as a conduit to find and connect with other Habs fans worldwide. He is also proud that Habs Tweetups have allowed fans to meet in person and develop long lasting friendships.