Kevin Lowe blasts back at Burke’s comments


    An excerpt from TSN:

    In a candid interview with Edmonton’s Team 1260, Lowe – who stayed relatively quiet each time Burke went after him over the last 12 months – finally let it all out.

    “Where do I begin?,” started Lowe. “He’s a moron, first of all. Secondly, he really believes that any news for the NHL is good news. Thirdly, he loves the limelight and I don’t think anyone in hockey will dispute that. Lastly, he’s in a pathetic hockey market where they can’t get on any page of the newspaper let alone the front page of the sports, so any of this stuff carries on.”

    Kevin Lowe continues:

    “I mean, if he wants to debate what our offer sheet did to them or to the salaries, anytime,” he explained to Team 1260. “The reality is, Rick Nash‘s contract a number of years ago, (Patrice) Bergeron’s and (Ilya) Kovalchuk’s; that sets the standard – that’s been going on for decades. I’m sick and tired of it. I know everybody in hockey is. I know our peers are like, ‘Well, that’s Burkie.’ This guy is an absolute media junkie and I guess he’s achieving what he wants because he gets his name in the headlines. But the reality is, I hate the fact that my name is linked to his. He’s an underachieving wanna-be in terms of success in the NHL. He won a Stanley Cup? Great. I’ve won six Stanley Cups, you want to count rings? Who cares, it’s just a little pathetic that he carries on.”

    Lowe’s take on Burke’s days with the Canucks:

    “Here’s a fact – he left (former Canucks GM) Dave Nonis nothing in Vancouver,” he explained. “Nothing. He destroyed that team. If it wasn’t for Nonis’ incredible deals – to con Mike Keenan to get (Roberto) Luongo in Vancouver – that team was taking a nose dive two years ago.”

    …………..and there’s even more when you read the TSN article!!!!