Canadiens lean too much on Price



    1. If you can’t lean on your goalie in the playoffs, you’re TOAST. Face it folks, the difference between teams with parity the way it is IS THE GOALIE. Look at how Biron made the series of Philly! You damn well can bet THEY relied on HIM – and to good effect. So, get a grip. Carey Price sucks. He is a slow, soft goalie with a very weak left side – especially top shelf – and he’s going to falter badly in the NHL. Anyone remember Coco Laboy? 458 at the end of April – until they figured out he couldn’t hit the curve ball. Ditto here. Bob / Guy – you bet on the wrong horse. If the Habs don’t make a free agency play for a solid goalie, 2008-9 will be a DISASTER.

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