Habs Fans Audition for Amazing Race [VIDEO]


Nathan Bain and Patrick Ryder have been Habs fans since they were three years old.  The dads of Nathan and Patrick were both born in Montreal and raised their boys right.  Despite living in Toronto, they regularly The Amazing Race Canada Audition - Nathan Bain & Patrick Ryder - YouTubedemonstrate their pride in the Canadiens.

Now the childhood friends are ready to wear the bleu, blanc and rouge in a 28-day race across Canada.

From the CTV press release, “The Amazing Race Canada gives Canadians the opportunity to race around Canada and discover the country they love in a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. With potential stops in all 10 provinces and three territories, teams will race to the finish line, criss-crossing up to 9,000 kilometres. A stunning depiction of the Canadian fabric, the teams will travel through both the country’s urban centres as well as the most remote outposts in the land, all while exploring its broad cultural and ethnic diversity, wildlife, and iconic landmarks.”

Bain and Ryder have prepared an audition video to apply for the show which is scheduled to air during the summer 2013. Watch below! You can follow the duo on Twitter @ryderpatrick and @NateBainer .

The Amazing Race Canada Audition – Nathan Bain & Patrick Ryder