Fans Speak: Least Favorite Canadiens Player


by Steven Ellis, Staff Writer,

OAKVILLE, ON — A little while back, I asked you, Habs fans, on Twitter and Facebook, about your favorite Habs moments since the lockout. I received some interesting responses.

That prompted me to ask a new question: Which Habs player do you dislike the most, past or present? I got a whopping 55 responses, and it was very clear many of you don’t like Tomas Kaberle, Scott Gomez and Mike Ribeiro.

Thank you very much to Rick Stephens from All Habs and Mike from All About The Habs for help spreading the word!

Here are the responses…

Steven Ellis: Easily Benoit Pouliot. I know people don’t like [Guillaume] Latendresse, but I do, and will never forget the moment he was traded for this useless piece of trash. 

CJ Azuelos: [Patrice] Brisebois.

Martin Jarry: Trent McLeary has to be the guy which left the worst memories… Nearly dying on the ice, 1 goal in 58 games and member on the infamous 98-99 edition…

Jeremy Longtin: [Alex] Kovalev.

Dan Daoust: Tie between [Scott] Gomez and [Tomas] Kaberle. Probably Kaberle, because at least Gomez had a CHANCE to be a good deal.

Matt Drake: I’d say [Mike] Ribeiro and [Michael] Ryder. Two biggest idiots we’ve ever had wear the #CH.

Caleb Dane Lazara: My least favourite is P.J. Stock, he wasnt a Hab for very long but I can’t stand him.

David Stein: Tomas Kaberle.

Andrew Figueiredo: [Scott] Gomez or [Tomas] Kaberle. Kaberle’s giveaways are brutal. Gomez, well, I liked him when he first came here. 60 pts, not horrid. I quickly began to dislike him when his points dropped off.

Adrian Di Raimondo: [Sergei] Samsonov, [Alexander] Perezhogin, the Kostitsyn brothers.

Jordan Moman: Scott Gomez.

Julian Di Raimondo: Mine actually has to be Sergei Samsonov. That idiot had n0 heart, no motivation and blamed the team for his crappy play.

Mathieu Desrosiers: [Sergei] Samsonov, what a waste.

Junior Champagne: [Mike] Komisarek, mostly for embarrassing Montreal everytime he tried to “fight”.

Jason Dickie: The back injury dude…[Vladimir] Malakhov…booed right out of town!

Kyle Shaw: [Darcy] Tucker.

Matteo Fanella: Easy for me. Mariusz Czerkawski! We gave up [Arron] Asham for this guy. He was god awful in Montreal in 02-03. Signed back with the NYI the following year and scored 22 goals. Fail!

Sina Niaboli-Gilani: [Sergei] Samsonov or [Tom] Kostopolous.

Orenzo Porporino: [Alex] Kovalev. He was an amazing player but he was lazy as hell. If not Kovy next on my list is the $7-million man ;)

Greg Calci: Andre Racicot. Couldn’t stop a puck to save his life.

Steve Robitaille: It has to be Benoit Brunet.

Jordan Luden: [Mike] Ribeiro, [Scott] Gomez, or [Tomas] Kaberle.

Gregory Denney: [Scott] GOMEZ!!!!!!!! omg hate him!!!!

Ron Melanson Sr: Michel (bunny) Laroque. Could have put a forward in net……. better. He would have needed 2 sets of goalie equipment.

Trevor Babineau: Patrick Traverse!!!! Just the look of that guy made me wanna punch him.

Glynn Reed: Janne Niinimaa, Christian Laflamme, Juha Lind, Marcel Hossa, Alexander Perezhogin, Pierre Dagenais…but maybe [Vladimir] Malakhov takes the cake…Million Dollar Body (size and skill) 10 cent brain (serious lack of effort, bad decisions).

Robb Hawley: Sylvain Turgeon/ [Scott] Gomez/ Red Light [Andre] Racicot.

Justin Bernhardt: [Scott] GOMEZ, 1 goal for 7 mil a year, give me a break.

Shawn: 1) [Georges] Laraque (didn’t do job) 2) [Mike] Ribeiro (as a person) 3) [Scott] Gomez (Gainey’s fault) Hon.mention [Janne] Niinimaa, [Doug] Wickeniser (Savard) #Habs

Mike Gomez:  In my life time, I’d say [Mike] Ribeiro and I still hate the guy especially after that dive in 2004 playoffs vs BOS. Disgrace!

Mike Wright:  I would honestly have to say [Scott] Gomez. No player has been as detrimental to the team as him the last few years.

Bobby Banner: Because of how he acted near the end of his run with the Habs and how he left….Patrick Roy.

Matt Campbell: [Mike] Ribeiro: Cocky and arrogant for his mediocre skill. [Benoit] Pouliot: Very inconsistent play and signed w/ B’s. Honour?

Christian Lemay: Kerry Fraser.

Joe T: [Scott] Gomez, [Tomas] Kaberle, [Sergei] Berezin, [Joceyln] Thibault, [Georges] Laraque, [Mike] Ribeiro…

Steve: [Mike] Ribeiro.

Jamie Benoit: [Scott] Gomez. With a passion.

Cedrick Blanchette: I would have to say [Mikhail] Grabovski definitely comes first on my hate list. Horrible attitude when he was in MTL.

Asha: Chris Campoli and Tomas Kaberle.

Lyra Angelica: Maxime Lapierre.

Patrick: [Andreas] Engqvist!

Randall: Easy one. Patrice ‘Breeze-by’ Brisebois. Human turn-style on D. Scares me that he’s part of the management team.

Paul Bellini: Sergei Samsonov.

Sam: Easy! 1. [Maxime] Lapierre and 2. [Guillaume] Latendresse.

Kyle Roussel: [Mike] Ribeiro. Jackass through and through.

Matt G: [Tomas] Kaberle, soft, useless, ex Leaf/Bruin. Bad contact. A constant reminder of the #gauthier era. #worsthab

M. Antonio: Current, probably [Scott] Gomez. Recent past, Andrei Kostitsyn, past, [Karl] Dykhuis.

Noah Goren: Ryan O’Byrne! That guy didnt try for 2 shifts! It was torture! Also Andrei Kostitsyn.. Way too many lazy nights! and [Chris] CAMPOLI! Holy crap that man was god awful in bleu blanc et rouge! I gave up when he was on PP.

Robert Rice:  I’ll go with [Guillaume] Latendresse. Half-assed, half-hearted on the ice, petulant child in his exit.

Sue Keeble: [Tomas] KABERLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chantal: [Mathieu] Darche, [Guillaume] Latendresse and [Mike] Cammalleri in recent years. When media constantly shoves them down my throat, this is what happens.

  (Chantal was the first one to say Latendresse. This made me mad. If you aren’t aware I’m a big Latendresse fan).

James Stephan: [Scott] Gomez :)

Rick Stephens: Guillaume Latendresse and Mike Ribeiro combined mediocre talent with poor work ethic. (Oh yes, Rick, troll me some more :P)  The most rude and arrogant players I met in person were Latendresse and Jose Theodore. (3 in 1? I’ve heard enough :))

Louise Boscardin: [Scott] Gomez / [Chris] Campoli / [Tomas] Kaberle…[Benoit] Pouliot and [Alex] Auld.

Stevo Farnham: Claude Lemieux, and Patrick Roy for being an arrogant prick.

Sara: I wasn’t a fan of [Sergei] Samsonov, [Benoit] Pouliot, [Guillaume] Latendresse, [Georges] Laraque and [Scott] Gomez… Oh, [Janne] Ninimaa was pretty useless too!

Dan Kramer: Currently, [Tomas] Kaberle, [Scott] Gomez, [Rene] Bourque. [Mike] Ribeiro, [Sergei] Samsonov and [Georges] Laraque.


Thanks for all the responses! Follow me on Twitter, @StevenEllisNHL