Trade Winds | Canadiens Connection ep 177

Jeff Petry (Photo by TVA Sports)

Canadiens Connection, Podcast, Rocket Sports Radio, ep 177 | Habs News, Montreal, NHL, Carey Price, Brendan Gallagher, Nick Suzuki,  Kent Hughes, Jeff Gorton, Jeff Petry

Jeff Petry (Photo by TVA Sports)

ROCKET SPORTS MEDIA | MONTREAL, QC. — Welcome to the Canadiens Connection via Rocket Sports Radio. This engaging podcast featured on All Habs Hockey Magazine connects Habs fans with their beloved team from a plugged-in source they know and trust.

This Week’s Show

Segment 1: Week in Review, Habs News, League News

  • Check out news Headlines posts every week day at

  • Roster news – Canadiens assigned Lukas Vejdemo and Sami Niku to the Laval Rocket. Niku will report to Laval after the All-Star break. Brendan Gallagher and Paul Byron (season debut) returned to the lineup. Canadiens have placed Michael McNiven on injured reserve. Annual Canadiens pro scouts meetings concluded on Sunday after a few days of discussions.
  • Habs prospect report – Laval picked up five points in their past three games. Be sure to read the content at and check out The Press Zone – Montreal.
  • Quotes of the week – Carey Price and Brendan Gallagher.
  • Hockey news and notes – All-Star Nick Suzuki participated in the “Save Streak” and “Fountain Face-Off” skills events. Gary Bettman said that the 2022 NHL Entry Draft may be moved from Montreal if government restrictions aren’t lifted. 

Segment 2: BIG Topic – Rebuild or Retool?

  • GM Kent Hughes is formulating a plan with VP Hockey Ops Jeff Gorton to return the Canadiens to glory. Will it be a tear down like the Arizona Coyotes, will they follow the path of the New York Rangers or will it be something completely different?

  • Chris and Rick examine what fans can expect in the weeks ahead prior to the trade deadline.

Segment 3: Have Your Say

  • Canadiens upcoming events.
  • Draft Kings Daily Fantasy picks: Michael Spinella with guest Sam Gerber.
  • Listener’s texts and emails.

Canadiens Connection on Rocket Sports Radio

Canadiens Connection is hosted by Rick Stephens (@AllHabs) with Amy Johnson (@FlyersRule) and Chris G (@ChrisHabs360). This talented team of credentialed journalists come together to share their valued insight. Additional segments by Michael Spinella (@TheSpinella).

Canadiens Connection is a connection between fans, journalists, players, coaches, management to thoroughly discuss their favorite game in an informative, thought provoking, and entertaining way.

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On Air

Listen in the player below on Saturday, February 5th starting at 2:00 pm. ET. or ANYTIME on demand.

Next week’s episodes will be available on Saturday, February 12th. Missed an episode? You can find every episode of the Canadiens Connection HERE.

Listen and Subscribe Here


  1. salut-bien cher amis allhabs,
    merci bien pour les infos,analises,projections et commentaires justes
    a quoi-faire?c’est simple a mon avis!
    garder nos atouts/nos jouers.agrandir avec nos actuelles.faire patience,prudence et confiance avec nos jeunes.ajouter ici-la si ca nous convient?
    notre defensif y sera ameliorer dans un an de temps.surtout avec l’addition de CH76,,,
    oui nos amis,c’est ecrit du sera de destination prevu d’enfance.
    le jeune enfant du “ville-reine” qui a rencontrer notre cher jean beliveauCH4 et attester son desir d’etre comme-lui et porter son chandail-saintCH!!!
    carey y sera de retour ainsi.seconder par mikey mcniven.mon choix personnelle.
    coach ducharme a fait son possible mais a ne pas gener a dire qu’il etait dans les griffes d’apprentissage.un coach plus eleve/experimente pour nos besoins?
    what to do?easy.keep who we have.our nucleus will be 1 year more mature.developing players too(CH71,CH25,CH22,CH27,etc).our defense will be in good standing too.
    guhle,romanov,pertry,chariot.and of course,when CH76 returns we will be back in business!
    and if shea can make a return,then lights out!defense will be oustanding!
    that’s my thoughts,our rebuild will not require major changes?
    merci pour l’ecoute
    portez-vous tous bien
    familleCH,malgres le tout
    guyCH10 soit proche et present en prieres et pensees

    • holy smoke,
      forgot about our big joel edmundson on defense too
      even better still,,,
      a bientot,
      ps,some of our best trades?
      “the ones we dont make!!!”

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