Live Blog: Ask the All Habs Crew


Have a question about the Habs you’d like to chat with our team of writers about? Feel like talking about last night’s game or debating the latest breaking Habs news? Need more than 140 characters to do it? Welcome to the All Habs Live Blog!

We’re starting a regular series of live chat events right here at It’s your chance to get to know the All Habs crew and other fans of your favourite hockey team while talking about all things Canadiens!

Stay tuned for further announcements about our next Live Blog session and join in by either clicking the link provided OR by sending in your questions via Twitter using the #AllHabs hashtag.

Did you miss our first Live Blog? Don’t worry, you can still replay it! Just follow the “Click Here” link below to check out the conversation. Be sure to join us next time!

Click Here


  1. I’m wondering who is the live announcer at the Habs game that the fans here. The guy who announce goals, penalties and welcome spectators with game intro: Ladies and Gentlement, welcome to the Bell Centre etc…. name ? Thanks.

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