Under the Jersey: NHL Players Ink


By Robyn Flynn, AllHabs.net

MONTREAL, QC.– Tattooing is an art form that has been around for just about as long as humanity. While it originally held tribal significance, it is only in the last century or so that it has become a pop culture phenomenon. Just about everyone these days is inked in some way or another. I myself have three!

Getting a tattoo is an incredible experience. Those who don’t have them will often ask “did it hurt?” Yes, it hurts. But it’s definitely bearable, and totally worth it. If you choose something that holds special meaning to you, you will never regret getting it. Not to mention the fact that it’s a snapshot of how you felt at that particular moment in your life.

Tattoos are also a great way of commemorating events, people and moments, as well as representing who you are. It goes without saying that professional athletes would be privy to this experience as well.

Being that we’ve all seen enough of Mike Tyson’s tattoo, and this is a hockey site, I thought it was only fitting to focus on NHL players’ tattoo art. After much digging, here is what I managed to find:


Mike Green

Pascal Dupuis

Rob Schremp