ABC’s of Playoff Etiquette: Your Post-Season Guide


by Robyn Flynn,

Photo by Peter McCabe/Canadian Press

MONTREAL, QC. — After a season that has had its ups (exquisite goal-tending, a superstar-in-the-making rookie defenseman) and downs (high-profile injuries, controversy, three game goal drought), Montrealers are gearing up for another exciting (and hopefully lengthy!) post-season. As the playoffs rapidly approach, there is something that every Habs fan needs to keep in the back of their mind; appropriate playoff etiquette.

Every year, we are bombarded with the unfortunate stories of a sports writer’s tires being slashed, offensive remarks about a fan’s team of choice, post-game riots, etc. In a city where hockey is EVERYTHING, it’s easy to forget that it’s a game worth respectfully celebrating, and not literally going to war over.

That being said, I wanted to take a moment to point out to Montrealers the ABC’s of how to handle themselves with a level of class and dignity that will warrant respect from fans around the league:

A – Acceptable Superstitions

  1. Sticking with a particular brand of beer because it “brings good luck” to the Habs is acceptable. Sticking with the same piece of chewing gum is not.
  2. Gentlemen, growing a playoff beard is acceptable. Ladies, not shaving your legs is not.
  3. Not washing your socks is QUASI acceptable. Avoiding bathing altogether is not.

B – Bar Behaviour

  1. You may want to turn the table over when the Habs get scored on, breaking every beer bottle in the process, but please don’t. This will likely result in your forceful removal from the establishment, and the waitress who must clean up the mess will haz a sad : (
  2. If perchance a supporter of the opposing team is at the bar, despite any screaming instincts, do not punch them in the face. Instead, admire the bravura it must have required to come out wearing anything other than the Bleu, Blanc, Rouge.
  3. Try to limit (or at least track) your spending while out and about. Yes, that means you can’t buy a round of tequila shots for the whole bar when the Habs win. Why not? Bear in mind that if the Habs make it past the first 2 rounds, you’ll have many more playoff game nights in your future, and you don’t want to deplete your savings account early on.

C – Celebration Decorum:

  1. By all means, take to the streets to revel in a game 7 victory. However;
  2. Do NOT burn anything with the opposing team’s insignia ( in fact, don’t burn anything at all!)
  3. Do NOT try to over-turn or set fire to police cars. These people are here to ensure your safety while you celebrate.
  4. Do NOT loot local businesses. The rent on Ste-Catherine street between Fort & St-Laurent is outrageous. Do not cost these hardworking merchants anything further in damages or losses.
  5. Wherever you’re watching the game, make sure to have a plan for getting home safely. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but drinking and driving is simply not cool. The late night public transit in this city is pretty decent (ladies, did you know STM buses will stop anywhere you ask along the route so as to limit your walk alone in the dark?) and if the bus & metro aren’t your thing, there are plenty of cabs. Habs nation needs every one of its fans, so please be safe!

Above all, GO HABS GO!!!

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