My Apologies, Mathieu

Photo: Paul Chiasson, PC

by Lyse,

Québec City, QC. — I admit it. I didn’t see the light.


Photo: Paul Chiasson, PC

Contrary to a few sports commentators who shall remain nameless, the signing of Mathieu Darche at the end of the season last year didn’t make me happy. Not that I wasn’t pleased with the return of one of the too few French speaking local boys, and McGill alumni to boot, it was the one-way contract I wasn’t fond of. And responding to a roster challenge set at season’s beginning, I reluctantly kept Mathieu on the roster, albeit high up the perch – the press box if you prefer – because of that one-way clause.

However, I don’t remember exactly when during the course of the season, but it was before a mysterious injury to the lower body kept him sidelined – yeah, the same one which had supposedly ended his season according to a few rumorists – I had made public my mea culpa on Twitter: I made a mistake.

Of course, Mathieu had proven his hard work and his willingness to stand in front of the enemy net and pay the price had made him a valuable key piece of that team last year when he joined late in the season. But in the back of my mind, he had mainly joined the organization the year prior because he added depth and because of the strong McGill ties he had with Guy Boucher who was directing the destinies of the Hamilton Bulldogs at the time (allthough at least one person I know would argue it was Martin Raymond who had coached him at McGill where Boucher was then assistant coach).

Nevertheless, I’ll admit it once more. On that one I mistakenly joined the dark side: I should have pledged my allegiance to Darche Vader.

Now that the Jacques-Beauchamp trophy was earlier awarded to higher-paid teammate Roman Hamrlik, I sure hope the Montreal Canadiens will nominate Mathieu as the team’s Bill Masterton candidate. Even if, as was the case last year, he probably doesn’t stand a chance against someone like Ray Emery who should get this year’s nod, IMHO.

Mathieu, I’m very sorry I doubted you. Now, may the force be with you for the real season.

Oh, and to err is, well…  human. ;)




  1. I dont think anyone out there thought he was a real contributor, other than being a reliable asset in the press box, woh could be pulled in and out of the lineup without any noise. Thankfully his pride level was the inverse of his contract, and it is that pride that led to his effort, which led to the results.

  2. Nice article, Lyse! I was also convinced Darche would be the 13th forward this season, but he’s proven everyone wrong who doubted him. He gets what being a Canadien is about, and he earns his spot all over again every shift.

  3. I think I was one of the few that praised the signing, but I was more excited because of what he would bring in terms of leadership and guidance to the young players. I never would have guessed that he’s be as productive as he has been. I figured his role in games would be sparing, and that his more important jobs would be to baby sit kids in the press box and teach them how to be a professional during practice, and away from the rink.

    So while I’ve always been happy to have him around the team, even I’m surprised at how well he’s played. It will go down as a signing that Gauthier won’t get much credit for in the long run, but we should not forget the contributions to this team made by Mathieu Darche.

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